The Best President / VP Combo In Boston Sports?
This is a serious question and not based on their performance on the field. We have concluded that a Brady/Belichick ticket would serve as the best presidential combination in Boston / New England sports.
President: Tom Brady is about as good of a front man as you can get, he can obviously think well on his feet, make fast decisions, and has the charisma to rally the country around him. Just look at how he handled things during the whole deflategate drama, he was steadfast, reasonable, and never got over emotional and took things personal. Most of us would have exploded if we were accused of something that we didn’t do and then were run through the gutter over it.
Vice President: This one is a no brainer, we picked Bill without hesitation; the Vice President is a man behind the curtain who doesn’t have to be well liked. Just someone who is very intelligent, gives good advice and god forbid if the President went down, we could be confident that he is there to keep things rolling.