The 10 Most Baffling Laws On The Books In Massachusetts
Massachusetts played a major roll in shaping the way America handles crime and punishment. Many of the fathers of modern-day law called the Bay State their home. As with any endeavor, there are sure to be a few errors and snafus along the way. These 10 oddball laws are proof of that!
1. Tomatoes may not be used in the production of clam chowder.
Thousands of New England chefs have declared adding tomatoes to clam chowder a “crime”, but who knew they were actually right?
2. Christmas has been illegal in Massachusetts since 1659. If you celebrate Christmas, you will be fined five shillings.
Apparently Bay-staters have decided it’s worth the five shilling penalty. No one does Christmas like we do!
3. Goatees are illegal unless you obtain and pay for a license.
With the rampant over-use of facial hair as a fashion statement these days, it wouldn’t hurt to see this one enforced.
4. You may not eat more than three sandwiches at a wake.
Sorry all you MA-based emotional eaters; there is a strict three sandwich limit per wake. Perhaps this one is meant to deter wake-crashers?
5. It is illegal in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts to scare a pigeon.
Boston’s pigeons seem absolutely oblivious to humans. It would take Rob Zombie to frighten one of those birds!
6.Gorillas are not permitted to ride in the backseats of cars.
Massachusetts gorillas apparently like to ride in style. It’s shotgun-only for them!
7. You may not bring your rooster into a bakery.
You would think the law would apply to hens instead of roosters; the female chickens are the ones more likely to balk at all those broken eggs!
8. You may not bring a lion to the movie theater.
At least you can still enjoy a live show or a drive-in movie with your lion pals.
9. It is illegal to give beer to hospital patients.
As much as we Bay-staters love our beer, there is definitely a time and a place to party.
10. False teeth must be removed during sexual intercourse.
I’m not sure why this one is an actual law, but it certainly sounds like a savvy safety tip!