STUDY: Patriots fans are among the best in the NFL
"If you ain't first, you're last".
That's a quote from someone and a wake up call for us in New England Patriots nation that we need to step our game up. Why, you might ask? Because we're slacking! Slacking big time!
Emory University just released a list of definitive rankings of the most loyal fans in the NFL.... and it was really sad. The Patriots ranked SECOND!!! That's right! Second! We, as Patriots fans, are ranked behind the Dallas Cowboys and their fairweather fans! You know, the team that hasn't been relevant since Nirvana was topping out the Billboard charts? That team!
Basically, fan bases were ranked in three categories: fan equity (how much you spend on the team), social equity (how active the team's base is on social media) and road equity (how well teams draw on the road).
So... you might be wondering, how the Patriots did and why they weren't No. 1. Well, social equity was No 1 which is great. BUT... the road equity is No. 5 (which is understandable because the Cowboys have more fans across the country who probably aren't as diehard). But the one we have no excuses about is being No. 3 in fan equity. That's an easy fix, especially when your boys at Chowdaheadz are selling some of the finest fan merchandise in the game that you should totally check out.
Seriously though, No. 2 ain't bad when so much of the country hates the Patriots. We just have to accept the Patriots will never be beloved by the country in the same way the Soviet Union didn't exactly love it when the US put a man on the moon before them. It happens and you don't have to apologize for greatness. Just keep on being great fans and show support for your teams.