5 things to do when the Red Sox aren't on
When it comes to the Red Sox, some weeks are better than others.
They’re always a great team to watch (for the most part) and for those of us who watch them EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT., it’s very weird for us when they’re not playing. This week kind of sucks in that department too because there are two scheduled off days (Monday and Thursday). Keeping that in mind, here are some things you can do when the Sox aren’t on:
Go to the beach -- The beach is OK during the day (too many people), but it’s great to walk at night because you have the whole place to yourself sometimes. It’s cooler outside and not just because you’re there. It’s just better when it’s not 90 and humid, you know?
Go to the movies -- Crowded movie theaters are no fun either, but during the week, they’re not so crowded. On Friday nights and weekends, they can be pretty packed, but how about a Monday or a Thursday? The other key here is to go see a movie so bad that no one else will go so that you have the whole place to yourself.
Enjoy beer -- We’re probably in the best part of the year as far as beer goes. We’re at the point where we can still drink all of the summer brews, but the local package stores are also rolling out their fall stuff (like Sam Adams Oktoberfest and Shipyard Pumpkinhead). It’s truly the ideal time to drink.
Sleep -- Sleep is free and people always complain how they never get enough of it. Maybe if you actually slept, you’d get enough sleep. Let’s be honest: all those coffees, adderalls and energy drinks can’t be healthy.
You could also buy merchandise from our site so we can support our families. So yeah, that’s five choices. I’d recommend mixing options No. 3 and 5, to be honest.