You Can Now Spend The Night In The House That Inspired "The Conjuring"
If you enjoy scary attractions, why not spend the night in a real haunted house? The Burrville home that inspired the movie “The Conjuring,” is now open to overnight guests. Are you are brave enough?
The 284-year-old house is under new ownership and they are ready to share the roadside attraction with amateur ghost hunters for just $125 a person. This fee gives guests access to the entire house and grounds from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m.
“It’s not a bed-and-breakfast. It’s not a hotel. It’s a haunted house,” Cory Heinzen, who has owned the house with his wife, Jen, since June of last year, told The Providence Journal.
If you are thinking a stay at the Conjuring House is the perfect way to celebrate a Halloween weekend, think again. Friday and Saturday nights are already booked up until after Christmas, although you may have better luck with a weekday if you act fast.
Fridays and Saturdays also require a minimum of $750 — the cost of six investigators. Additional guests are $125 each.
So what can you expect during an overnight stay? Heinzen says guests never leave disappointed. Some report apparitions, voices picked up in recordings, bursts of light in rooms, doors opening and closing, moving planchettes on a Ouija board, and eerie lightheaded feelings.
The home is set up with cots so paranormal investigators can rest, but Heinzen doubts visitors will get much sleep.
For more information about staying at this real life haunted house, visit theconjuringhouse.com.