We can do better than Jersey Street for Yawkey Way
The Boston Red Sox probably aren’t going to play on Yawkey Way in the near future.
That’s because the team sent a petition, asking the Boston Public Improvement Commission to change the name of Yawkey Way back to its original name: Jersey Street. Back in August, there was a Boston Herald article saying the Red Sox were “haunted” by the name of the street which was weird because you’d think a big scoop like that would go in the paper the owner of the team owns. Anyways…
Change the name of the street? Fine. I don’t see why it was named after the Yawkeys in the first place. The Red Sox never won anything under them. Their tenure owning the team was nothing to celebrate. The team wasn’t anything special under them like it has been under this ownership group.
Here’s a serious thought though: Jersey Street? Really? No. That’s a bad name. I don’t like it. It’s in Boston. It’s where the Red Sox play. People in New Jersey like the Mets, Yankees and Phillies. The street’s name should reflect that.
David Ortiz already has the Yawkey extension named after him and a bridge, so his name wouldn’t work there in my mind. How about something regarding Ted Williams or 1 Fen Way? Maybe even “Steve Lyons, you’re not welcome here Place”. Any of those are fine by me.
We need to celebrate greatness or at least have a clever street name.
There’s nothing really special about Yawkey Way. If you’re gonna use someone who never won a World Series, might as well go with a guy who took prime years out of his career to serve his country. Williams deserves a lot of respect for what he did.