Take A Mr. Potato Head Themed Road Trip Across Rhode Island
Any kid growing up from the early 1950s to the present day probably had - or at least played with - a Mr. Potato Head toy. The iconic Hasbro figure is especially well known in Rhode Island, home of Hasbro headquarters.
In 2000, the state even named the famous spud their "official travel ambassador" and commissioned dozens of 6-foot Mr. Potato Head statues to be decorated by artists and scattered all across the state.
Some say there were 37, while others believe the original number was closer to 45. Unfortunately, the years have not been good to the RI Potato Heads, with many succumbing to vandals or harsh weather and others being sold to private collectors. Only a handful still remain.
If you are looking for a fun, free adventure during Spring Break, why not hit the road and snap a selfie with each remaining giant potato?
Here's where you can find 8 of the remaining fiberglass figures!
1. Hasbro Headquarters, Pawtucket
The statue that stands outside Hasbro's official headquarters depicts the basic character we all remember from our childhoods. He was the first figure commissioned in the year 2000 to kick off the campaign.
2. Westerly State Airport, Westerly
Swing by 56 Airport Road in Westerley to pose with this fancy mosaic Potato Chick, complete with bikini, sunglasses and sandals.
3. Lake Mishnock Fire Department, West Greenwich
Firefighter Potato Head is still standing tall and heroic outside this small town fire station at 166 Mishnock Road, West Greenwich.
4. Clements Marketplace, Portsmouth
Vino D-Vine Potato Head is still the official greeter of customers to Clements' Marketplace in Portsmouth, despite his slightly faded paint job.
5. Day-O-Lite, Warwick
The Red Hot Potato outside the Day-o-Lite manufacturing company looks as if he has a bad case of the chicken pox by day, but by night, he lights up the sky! Find him at 126 Chestnut Street in Warwick.
6. Glocester Town Hall, Glocester
Betty The Learned Elephant Potato Head stands outside a historic schoolhouse and the Glocester Memorial Library reminding kids to read and learn! Betty can be found at 1145 Putnam Pike in Chepachet.
7. Dunkin Donuts, Warren
Every New Englander will easily recognize the iconic pink and orange color palette of the Regular Joe Potato who greets customers at the Dunkin Donuts in Warren. Find him at 670 Metacom Avenue.
8. Chestnut St./Hope St., Bristol
Bristol's Uncle Sam Potato is busy most of the year overseeing concerts, parades and festivals. It is the perfect spot for this patriotic potato considering Bristol is the home to the oldest continuous Fourth of July celebration in the nation. When he isn't working, Uncle Sam Potato can be seen at the corner of Chestnut and Hope Streets.
Do you know of any other elusive Rhode Island Mr. Potato Heads? Let us know! Happy Potato hunting!