Kevin Garnett to appear in an Adam Sandler film
So how do we feel about Adam Sandler?
Now, he's a New Englander, so there's bound to be some good reactions as well as some people who think he should've stopped making movies after The Longest Yard. Both are valid takes but you know what? He is going to continue making movies and there's nothing we can do to make him stop. So your choice is to ignore it, embrace it or complain. The former two are better than the latter choice. And if you picked the middle option and are a fan of the Boston Celtics, then your life is about to become slightly better.
Sandler is putting out a movie called "Uncut Gems", and Boston Celtics legend Kevin Garnett will appear in it. I'd link to the trailer, but the trailer isn't exactly family appropriate. I guess it's a crime thriller film and based on the language of the trailer, it has to be rated R.
So what does Kevin Garnett have to do with any of this? Well, Sandler is going to be a jewelry dealer to famous people in New York City in the film. That said, Garnett is going to play himself in the movie -- but they're gonna pretend he's still in the NBA.
In one of the scenes, there' apparently a Celtics ring and Sandler making a bet on a Celtics game. Can't really go into much more detail without spoiling it, but you get the idea.
Anytime a pro athlete appears in a movie, it's pretty cool. This isn't gonna be some sort of a Space Jam film where it's KG and Bugs Bunny just going hard for two hours but hey, KG is gonna be a movie star. Good for him. Hoping he gets famous for this one and can do a bunch more films In the future.