LeBron to the Celtics would be awesome
Have you ever had one of those things that you read or see and either spit out a drink or dropped something because of how ridiculous it seems? Well, that was me in 2003 when Jessica Simpson though buffalo wings were made of buffaloes.
Let’s fast-forward 15 years though and look at this from a basketball perspective--from your perspective. There’s reports out now that LeBron James is going to have a “free agency conversation” with the Boston Celtics this summer. Yeah. LeBron James. On the Celtics. Apparently, it’s possible.
Is this likely? Honestly, no, not really. But it’s not impossible.
If there is the opportunity to do it, then Celtics better take it. James has been to the NBA Finals in each of the past eight seasons so there is definitely correlation between having him and going to the finals. If you take away LeBron from this year’s Cavs team, the Celtics would’ve swept them and won every game by double digits. The JVs would’ve gotten playing time if it were a high school game. Just imagine this Celtics squad with LBJ on it. Good luck, rest of the league.
The big question fans may have is: would they accept this guy on their team? Uh… what kind of a question is that? Yeah! Put aside his personality, world views and all of that stuff: the dude can flat out play basketball. Getting him is the only way the Celtics could guarantee they win a title.
If the fact that there’s like a 1 percent chance of LeBron playing for the Celtics does not get you excited, then that’s OK. However, if it does happen, let’s hope that fans are on-board because it will be title time.
One last thought: salary caps in the NBA are stupid. Teams should be allowed to spend whatever they want. The end.