Kyrie Irving apologizes for not liking Thanksgiving
You know the drill. Say something a little edgy. Walk it back. Repeat. Move on. OK.
After the C's frustrating loss on Wednesday (and yes, I mean frustrating. This whole season has been pretty darn frustrating at this point), Kyrie Irving was documented as saying "fudge Thanksgiving"--only he didn't say fudge. This happened after a reporter wished him a happy Thanksgiving.
I don't know, just a dumb situation all around. That's a conflict of interest on the reporters' part to say that to them. There is not supposed to be any human connection between the players and the media but obviously, we know there's some people who like attention, want ratings and don't take the job as seriously as it should be taken.
Anyhoo, the media ran with it--and he felt the need to apologize for it on Twitter. Here's what he had to say:
"I spoke w/ frustration after last nights game and spoke words that shouldn’t be in a professional setting no matter what. Meant no disrespect to the Holiday and those who celebrate it respectfully. I’m grateful for the time We all can share with our families. We are always ONE."
OK, let's be as clear as possible. He's free to think whatever he wants of the day and we are free to do what we want with it. He is entitled to his beliefs. We have our beliefs. I had a great Thanksgiving meal and if he did something else, good for him. I guess.
What really matters is the team winning (and losing). Right now, I wish they were doing better because they have some serious talent. What he does on the fourth Thursday of November every year shouldn't be that big of a concern; what one of the team's guards thinks about Turkey Day doesn't impact the team's performance, after all.