Carson Smith is getting really frustrating for Red Sox fans
Carson Smith threw his glove in frustration and now, he's on the disabled list for the third time in his Red Sox career.
This story is ridiculous. So earlier in the week, Smith gave up a bomb, got mad, threw his glove and injured his shoulder. The injury is called a shoulder subluxation. I don't even know what that is, but the beat reporters are saying it's bad. But you know? I'm starting to get real frustrated with this guy as well.
He's always hurt. It's always something. It's absolutely absurd. He's been on the team for three years already. Three years! How many times have you honestly seen him pitch? Not a lot! Because he never pitches! He's always hurt!
In 2016, he starts the year on the disabled list. I actually interviewed him when he was up in Portland on rehab and he gave the classic "I feel good" response (every pro athlete lies, nothing against him). So then he pitches twice for the Red Sox and then goes back on the DL for a year and a half. Then, he pitched last September. And this year, he made it a month-and-a-half before going on the DL long term again. This is a joke.
The first two injuries were "eh, whatever"--especially since it was really more like one injury. But this, we shouldn't accept this. The dude got hurt pouting. He's a grown ass man and he's getting hurt because he's mad at himself for doing bad. Sounds like he needs to learn some self-control. Oh yeah, and he's costing the team money with DL stint.
(By the way, I don't advocate for burning money when that money can be used to buy stuff and help the needy).
Dave Dombrowski said the team wouldn't be punishing Smith for his idiotic move. Whatever. What they do need to do is fix this bullpen. For starters, it has Brian Johnson and Steven Wright in it, but it's their job to put together the best team possible, so they can figure it out...